Similar or different cultures

These days we have done some forms that we also have to answer all of us. We have received some responses and now I'm going to analyse them. 
First of all, we can see that the majority of the turkish people are religious whereas, basque people isn't. The most of those turkish people practice the islam religion
Apart from that, basque people don't go to worship places but some turkish people use to go. The people that sometimes go, some of them they go every weeks, others every month and other people only few time. The rest of them never go.
Referring to music, in general there are all of the music styles but the basque people but the most is the reggae music instead in Turkey hip hop. But they also listen to pop music or others. About music, also we can say the time that they spend listening to music is very variable, some people spend 3-4h and some other only 1h or less.
To continue, about school the average of if they like to go to school is 2,9, so it's not liked much. All of us we have school in the afternoons some days and we stay around 6-7h at school. We all have more than 7 subjects, the favourite subject in Turkey are math whereas in the Basque Country P.E.
Most people do extracurricular acitivities of sports and school, and some people also do of music because they want to do it.
In the Basque Country beans are very liked and also ommelletes. Whereas in Turkey they most like is kebab and Iskender. Pasta is very liked by everyone, legumes also are liked by the most people. Vegetables and meat are also liked by some of the people. About their favourite food, there is a lot of variety, for example some of them like ommelette, others salad, lasagna, pasta...
 As a conclusion we can say that y some aspects we are not so different but yes we are in others.


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