Social websites

Hi readers!!

Nowadays everybody uses social websites, it has became very usual to see a person using a mobile phone while he/she is walking or also driving. This has a lot of advantages that makes our life easier, but also has some disadvantages and sometimes creates serious problems. In my second post I will write about this and I’m going to give my personal opinion.

Firstly, one of those advantages is that you can meet people with you same interests, also chat with friends that are in another country or when you aren’t with them face to face. Also if you have a problem you can ask for help to your parents, friends etc. Nowadays the communication is very easy, so the news spread very fast, for example in one second you can know what’s happening in the USA or in Norway. Apart from that social sites are very entertaining for example in YouTube and Facebook, there are a lot of funny videos.

But this also has it’s disadvantages as everything. In some cases creates very serious problems physically and mentally. One of them is that in some people creates an incredible addiction. This can create familiar problems, or with friends. Because of the addiction people can stay at home very much time and not to be in contact with her/his friends face to face. So, finally the relationships he/she has can disappear and be isolated from everyone. Apart from that, the information spreads so fast that you don’t know what’s true and what’s false. People can lie about that information or new and also can exaggerate about what happened.
One of the most serious problem that create social sites is the cyberbullying. This is a form of bullying using electronic forms of contact. Cyberbullying has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers.This can include posting rumors about a person, threats, sexual remarks, spread personal information. Bullying can be identified by repeated behavior and an intent to damage. Victims can have lower self-esteem, increasing suicidal ideation, and a variety of emotional responses, retaliating, being scared, frustrated, angry, and depressed. Professionals have said that cyberbullying can be more harmful than traditional bullying.

In my opinion people would have to take care about what information and images do they give on the internet. Also to control the time spend in those social sites.


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